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Kunci Gitar Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground

kunci lagu dan chord Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground

song : hallowed ground
artist : violent femmes
album : hallowed ground

“the prophet is a fool , the spiritual man is mad ,
for the multitude of thine inequity , and the great hatred . ” ( hosea 9 : 7 )

intro and verse :
E Bm A E

E Bm A E
everyone’s trying to decide ,
where to go when there’s no place to hide
i follow the bombs as they’re coming down
this must have been hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )

E Bm A E
no matter what they decide you have done
burn up the clouds , block out the sun
my hope is in one they can’t bring down
my soul is in hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )
E Bm A E

E Bm A E
i see the fear , it’s on the rise
let’s catch the enemy by surprise
bury your treasure where it can’t be found
bury it deep in hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )

song : hallowed ground
artist : violent femmes
album : hallowed ground

“the prophet is a fool , the spiritual man is mad ,
for the multitude of thine inequity , and the great hatred . ” ( hosea 9 : 7 )

intro and verse :
E Bm A E

E Bm A E
everyone’s trying to decide ,
where to go when there’s no place to hide
i follow the bombs as they’re coming down
this must have been hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )

E Bm A E
no matter what they decide you have done
burn up the clouds , block out the sun
my hope is in one they can’t bring down
my soul is in hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )
E Bm A E

E Bm A E
i see the fear , it’s on the rise
let’s catch the enemy by surprise
bury your treasure where it can’t be found
bury it deep in hallowed ground

G F E ( x2 )

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Violent Femmes merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Violent Femmes) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Violent Femmes.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Violent Femmes untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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