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Kunci Gitar Uncle Tupelo - Wherever

kunci lagu dan chord Uncle Tupelo - Wherever

this is just the basic chords , there’s a guitar part after the third verse i think that
i can’t figure out on my own , but this is a beautiful song to play around a campfire ,
chords’ll do you just fine . no capo or anything necessary .

intro : G C/G G

C/G G Bm C/G
when you get back from wherever
let me know what its like
and i’ll tell you , i’ll tell you
what its like to watch you go


C/G G Bm C/G
you say , “hey , what’s that mean”
make it sound so simple
and you say , “hey , what’s that mean”
don’t make it sound so simple

Em G

so dont even try
Bm C/G
cuz this is your day
even the sky might go your way
you know i’ll get by , just bein’ okay
so good tonight , but this is your day

C/G G Bm C/G
when you get back from , who cares
i really
when you get back from , wherever
you sure let me know

this is just the basic chords , there’s a guitar part after the third verse i think that
i can’t figure out on my own , but this is a beautiful song to play around a campfire ,
chords’ll do you just fine . no capo or anything necessary .

intro : G C/G G

C/G G Bm C/G
when you get back from wherever
let me know what its like
and i’ll tell you , i’ll tell you
what its like to watch you go


C/G G Bm C/G
you say , “hey , what’s that mean”
make it sound so simple
and you say , “hey , what’s that mean”
don’t make it sound so simple

Em G

so dont even try
Bm C/G
cuz this is your day
even the sky might go your way
you know i’ll get by , just bein’ okay
so good tonight , but this is your day

C/G G Bm C/G
when you get back from , who cares
i really
when you get back from , wherever
you sure let me know

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Uncle Tupelo merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Uncle Tupelo) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Uncle Tupelo.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Uncle Tupelo untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
 Video 1 Column  Bold Aa

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