Chords Turin Brakes - Fishing For A Dream
Lyrics Turin Brakes - Fishing For A Dream
fishing for a dream
turin brakes
tabbed by adrian tyler
this is ollies rhythm part , the way he plays it . ollie has his own unique
way of playing certain chords , hence playing regular open chords and barre chords do not always
sound right compared to their records or live performances .
rate and enjoy
Emaj 12 – 14 – x – 13 – 0 – 0
Bmaj 10 – 12 – x – 11 – 0 – 0
Cmaj7 8 – 10 – x – 9 – 0 – 0
Bm 7×0770
Am x02210
Cmaj 032010 ( first position C )
Dmaj 10 – 9 – x – 0 – 10 – x
Em 12 – x – 0 – 12 – 12 – 0
Cmaj * 87×080 ( C shaped like A G on the 8th fret )
Gmaj 320033
C/B x20010
( the C/B is used as a fill when running up to the Cmaj from the Am and is actually
played by gale but sounds good if you are playing on your own )
when you have mastered the intro thats most of the song down as the intro , verse
and outro uses the same chord progression .
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7 Bm Am C/B Cmaj Dmaj
Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am C/B Cmaj Emaj
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
lets go fishing for a dream ,
Bm Am
lets find some place new ,
Cmaj Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am
somewhere we can be our – selves ,
C/B Cmaj
some of the time ,
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
is gonna see you shine ,
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
do do do da da do do dooo ,
Bm Am Cmaj
do da da do do dooo
Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm amin Cmaj
do da da do do do do do dooo da dooo
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
lets do lonliness in style ,
Bm Am
lets put on moonlight mile ,
Cmaj Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am
and feel the ra – di – o waves flow ,
C/B Cmaj
don’t say you won’t
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
is gonna see you shine ,
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
do do do da da do do dooo ,
Bm Am Cmaj
do da da do do dooo
Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm amin Cmaj
do da da do do do do do dooo da dooo
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
outro ( intro and verse chords )
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7 Bm Am C/B Cmaj Dmaj
Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am C/B Cmaj Emaj
( x2 to fade )
fishing for a dream
turin brakes
tabbed by adrian tyler
this is ollies rhythm part , the way he plays it . ollie has his own unique
way of playing certain chords , hence playing regular open chords and barre chords do not always
sound right compared to their records or live performances .
rate and enjoy
Emaj 12 – 14 – x – 13 – 0 – 0
Bmaj 10 – 12 – x – 11 – 0 – 0
Cmaj7 8 – 10 – x – 9 – 0 – 0
Bm 7×0770
Am x02210
Cmaj 032010 ( first position C )
Dmaj 10 – 9 – x – 0 – 10 – x
Em 12 – x – 0 – 12 – 12 – 0
Cmaj * 87×080 ( C shaped like A G on the 8th fret )
Gmaj 320033
C/B x20010
( the C/B is used as a fill when running up to the Cmaj from the Am and is actually
played by gale but sounds good if you are playing on your own )
when you have mastered the intro thats most of the song down as the intro , verse
and outro uses the same chord progression .
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7 Bm Am C/B Cmaj Dmaj
Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am C/B Cmaj Emaj
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
lets go fishing for a dream ,
Bm Am
lets find some place new ,
Cmaj Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am
somewhere we can be our – selves ,
C/B Cmaj
some of the time ,
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
is gonna see you shine ,
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
do do do da da do do dooo ,
Bm Am Cmaj
do da da do do dooo
Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm amin Cmaj
do da da do do do do do dooo da dooo
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
lets do lonliness in style ,
Bm Am
lets put on moonlight mile ,
Cmaj Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am
and feel the ra – di – o waves flow ,
C/B Cmaj
don’t say you won’t
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
is gonna see you shine ,
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7
do do do da da do do dooo ,
Bm Am Cmaj
do da da do do dooo
Dmaj Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm amin Cmaj
do da da do do do do do dooo da dooo
Gmaj Bm
lose your heart , i’ll lose my mind ,
Cmaj *
we’ll make quite a pair ,
dazzling all the time ,
Bm Cmaj *
celebrity parties , the red carpet mile
Dmaj Am C/B Cmaj
nothing is too good there for my girl ,
Am C/B Cmaj
all of this world ,
outro ( intro and verse chords )
Emaj Bmaj7 Cmaj7 Bm Am C/B Cmaj Dmaj
Em Dmaj Cmaj * Bm Am C/B Cmaj Emaj
( x2 to fade )