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Kunci Gitar The Kills - Satellite

kunci lagu dan chord The Kills - Satellite

the kills new single “satellite” . this is really basic and i’m pretty sure they
use a different tuning but this is a way to play it .

lost her behind the station

lost her behind the moon

operator , operator , dial her back

operator put me through

Am Em
ahuuuh , satellite gave up the ghost too soon
rising on the thermals

she calling in and out the blue
Am Em
ahuuuh , carried her off on a silver spoon

B Am Em
i loved her too long , don’t take her too
Em – Am – G G – B – Em
oooohhh ohhhhhhh

oh how he crossed us on that fate your path in my own satellite

what a mess a little time makes to us when time and place collide
operator , operator , dial her back
operator , operator , don’t take her too .

B Am Em
i loved her too her long , don’t love her too
operator , operator , dial her back
operator , operator , don’t take her too
B Am Em
i love her too her long , don’t love her too , don’t love her too

Em – Am – G G – B – Em
oooohhh ohhhhhhh . . .

the kills new single “satellite” . this is really basic and i’m pretty sure they
use a different tuning but this is a way to play it .

lost her behind the station

lost her behind the moon

operator , operator , dial her back

operator put me through

Am Em
ahuuuh , satellite gave up the ghost too soon
rising on the thermals

she calling in and out the blue
Am Em
ahuuuh , carried her off on a silver spoon

B Am Em
i loved her too long , don’t take her too
Em – Am – G G – B – Em
oooohhh ohhhhhhh

oh how he crossed us on that fate your path in my own satellite

what a mess a little time makes to us when time and place collide
operator , operator , dial her back
operator , operator , don’t take her too .

B Am Em
i loved her too her long , don’t love her too
operator , operator , dial her back
operator , operator , don’t take her too
B Am Em
i love her too her long , don’t love her too , don’t love her too

Em – Am – G G – B – Em
oooohhh ohhhhhhh . . .

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari The Kills merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (The Kills) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya The Kills.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari The Kills untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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