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Kunci Gitar RENEE - Diana

kunci lagu dan chord RENEE - Diana


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
Oh Diana hold my hand and take me to the sun-set
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
lead me to the field and I will make you dande-lion crowns
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
Hold me close as if you never hated me Di-a-na
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
You broke me so easily as if you didn’t think twice


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
I stare straight up and wipe the tears while wishing for my heart back
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm C
Set me free my destiny it calls, oh, my love, Di-a-na


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
Oh Diana hold my hand and take me to the sun-set
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
lead me to the field and I will make you dande-lion crowns
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
Hold me close as if you never hated me Di-a-na
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
You broke me so easily as if you didn’t think twice


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm


C Cmaj7 Am F Fm
I stare straight up and wipe the tears while wishing for my heart back
C Cmaj7 Am F Fm C
Set me free my destiny it calls, oh, my love, Di-a-na

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari RENEE merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (RENEE) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya RENEE.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari RENEE untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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