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Kunci Gitar Pete Yorn - Last Summer

kunci lagu dan chord Pete Yorn - Last Summer

we were afraid
we would never meet again
we would never see it thru
our time was short but not for no one reason
we couldnt stay
we were not each others truth
we were close but very far
i’ll never see your face in sunshine again . . .

D G Am G C
we were there last summer
D G Am G C D
it was fresh as the ocean
G Am G C
it was great last summer
D G Am G C D
but we can not go back again .

we were trying
to repeat what we once had
but you left so many times
you can never go back again

D G Am G C
we were there last summer
D G Am G C D
it was fresh as the ocean
G Am G C
it was great last summer
D G Am G C D
but we can not go back again .

not sure about the bridge .

we were afraid
we would never meet again
we would never see it thru
our time was short but not for no one reason
we couldnt stay
we were not each others truth
we were close but very far
i’ll never see your face in sunshine again . . .

D G Am G C
we were there last summer
D G Am G C D
it was fresh as the ocean
G Am G C
it was great last summer
D G Am G C D
but we can not go back again .

we were trying
to repeat what we once had
but you left so many times
you can never go back again

D G Am G C
we were there last summer
D G Am G C D
it was fresh as the ocean
G Am G C
it was great last summer
D G Am G C D
but we can not go back again .

not sure about the bridge .

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Pete Yorn merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Pete Yorn) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Pete Yorn.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Pete Yorn untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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