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Kunci Gitar Oh Sleeper - Reveries Of Flight

kunci lagu dan chord Oh Sleeper - Reveries Of Flight

this is my first ( published ) chord chart . hope it helps!
standard tuning .

intro A C Bm

A C Bm A
C Bm
a sound ahead from distant peaks , a song that all my brothers sing
F G Em F
G Em
its just out of reach; to join them i need the wings the heavens denied me
its like youre deaf to my voice , but ive been here for every moment , waiting on your
call to move
if you could just make a choice ,
C Bm
i know you would find me wanting only to be close to you

( a song i hear from distant peaks , a song that all my brothers sing )
you keep denying my lead
C Bm
because ive tried , ive never pulled back my reach ,
A C Bm
and ive stayed , and ive died , but you keep looking for me where im not
G Em
i wont be just where you want me to be
F G Em
youve got to believe and just trust that i can be everything

if you would just try and let free all your grips and worries

i would come alive in your life and let you find the flight youre longing

this is my first ( published ) chord chart . hope it helps!
standard tuning .

intro A C Bm

A C Bm A
C Bm
a sound ahead from distant peaks , a song that all my brothers sing
F G Em F
G Em
its just out of reach; to join them i need the wings the heavens denied me
its like youre deaf to my voice , but ive been here for every moment , waiting on your
call to move
if you could just make a choice ,
C Bm
i know you would find me wanting only to be close to you

( a song i hear from distant peaks , a song that all my brothers sing )
you keep denying my lead
C Bm
because ive tried , ive never pulled back my reach ,
A C Bm
and ive stayed , and ive died , but you keep looking for me where im not
G Em
i wont be just where you want me to be
F G Em
youve got to believe and just trust that i can be everything

if you would just try and let free all your grips and worries

i would come alive in your life and let you find the flight youre longing

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Oh Sleeper merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Oh Sleeper) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Oh Sleeper.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Oh Sleeper untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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