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Kunci Gitar New Order - Blue Monday

kunci lagu dan chord New Order - Blue Monday

C G Am
how does it feel
C G Am
to treat me like you do
C G Am
when youve laid your hands upon me
Dm G Am
and told me who you are

C G Am
i thought i was mistaken
C G Am
i thought i heard your words
C G Am
tell me how do i feel
Dm G Am
tell me now how do i feel

C G Am
those who came before me
C G Am
lived through their vocations
C G Am
from the past until completion
Dm G Am
they will turn away no more

C G Am
and i still find it so hard
C G Am
to say what i need to say
C G Am
but i’m quite sure that you’ll tell me
Dm G Am
just how i should feel today

C G Am
i see a ship in the harbor
C G Am
i can and shall obey
C G Am
but if it wasnt for your misfortunes
Dm G Am
id be a heavenly person today

C G Am
and i thought i was mistaken
C G Am
and i thought i heard you speak
C G Am
tell me how do i feel
Dm G Am
tell me now how should i feel

C G Am
i thought i told you to leave me
C G Am
while i walked down to the beach
C G Am
tell me how does it feel
Dm G Am
when your heart grows cold

C G Am
how does it feel
C G Am
to treat me like you do
C G Am
when youve laid your hands upon me
Dm G Am
and told me who you are

C G Am
i thought i was mistaken
C G Am
i thought i heard your words
C G Am
tell me how do i feel
Dm G Am
tell me now how do i feel

C G Am
those who came before me
C G Am
lived through their vocations
C G Am
from the past until completion
Dm G Am
they will turn away no more

C G Am
and i still find it so hard
C G Am
to say what i need to say
C G Am
but i’m quite sure that you’ll tell me
Dm G Am
just how i should feel today

C G Am
i see a ship in the harbor
C G Am
i can and shall obey
C G Am
but if it wasnt for your misfortunes
Dm G Am
id be a heavenly person today

C G Am
and i thought i was mistaken
C G Am
and i thought i heard you speak
C G Am
tell me how do i feel
Dm G Am
tell me now how should i feel

C G Am
i thought i told you to leave me
C G Am
while i walked down to the beach
C G Am
tell me how does it feel
Dm G Am
when your heart grows cold

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari New Order merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (New Order) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya New Order.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari New Order untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
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