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Kunci Gitar Margot And The Nuclear So And Sos - My Baby Shoots Her Mouth Off

kunci lagu dan chord Margot And The Nuclear So And Sos - My Baby Shoots Her Mouth Off

transcription by matthew whittle
the B7 used is not the barred a formation but rather the 021200 one , you can put
the F# on the high E if you want but it doesn’t really come out in the song .

standard tuning

intro :
C C/B Em

hard times
bad breaks

C7 D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off

Em G/F# G
you’re stripping na – ked
in a hallway
not a care in your head
Em G/F# G
no strip of clo – thing
no cop inside
B7 C Em
i’d say i’d do it alright , kid
C Em
you’re a tough chick

C7 D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off
C7 D Em D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off , mouth off

C C/B Em
ahoo , ahoo , ahoo
C C/B Em
ahoo , ahoo , ahoo
C C/B Am D ( 7 ) G
ahoo hoo hooo hooo hooo

transcription by matthew whittle
the B7 used is not the barred a formation but rather the 021200 one , you can put
the F# on the high E if you want but it doesn’t really come out in the song .

standard tuning

intro :
C C/B Em

hard times
bad breaks

C7 D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off

Em G/F# G
you’re stripping na – ked
in a hallway
not a care in your head
Em G/F# G
no strip of clo – thing
no cop inside
B7 C Em
i’d say i’d do it alright , kid
C Em
you’re a tough chick

C7 D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off
C7 D Em D Em
my baby shoots her mouth off , mouth off

C C/B Em
ahoo , ahoo , ahoo
C C/B Em
ahoo , ahoo , ahoo
C C/B Am D ( 7 ) G
ahoo hoo hooo hooo hooo

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Margot And The Nuclear So And Sos merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Margot And The Nuclear So And Sos) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Margot And The Nuclear So And Sos.
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