Chords Hymn - It Is Well With My Soul Kunci Gitar dan Lirik


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Chords Hymn - It Is Well With My Soul

Lyrics Hymn - It Is Well With My Soul

C# Cdim/D# C#
when peace like a river attendeth my way
A#m G#
when sorrows like sea billows roll
C# F# D# G#
whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say
C# C#/G# G# C#
it is well , it is well with my soul

it is well ( it is well )
G# C#
with my soul ( with my soul )
F# C#/G# G# C#
it is well , it is well with my soul

tho satan should buffet , tho trials should come
let this blest assurance control
that christ has regarded my helpless estate
and hath shed his own blood for my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

my sin , oh , the bliss of this glorious thought
my sin not in part , but the whole
is nailed to the cross and i bear it no more
praise the lord , praise the lord , o my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

and lord haste the day when the faith shall be sight
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll
the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend
even so it is well with my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

C# Cdim/D# C#
when peace like a river attendeth my way
A#m G#
when sorrows like sea billows roll
C# F# D# G#
whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say
C# C#/G# G# C#
it is well , it is well with my soul

it is well ( it is well )
G# C#
with my soul ( with my soul )
F# C#/G# G# C#
it is well , it is well with my soul

tho satan should buffet , tho trials should come
let this blest assurance control
that christ has regarded my helpless estate
and hath shed his own blood for my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

my sin , oh , the bliss of this glorious thought
my sin not in part , but the whole
is nailed to the cross and i bear it no more
praise the lord , praise the lord , o my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

and lord haste the day when the faith shall be sight
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll
the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend
even so it is well with my soul

it is well ( it is well )
with my soul ( with my soul )
it is well , it is well with my soul

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