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Kunci Gitar Early November - Digital Age

kunci lagu dan chord Early November - Digital Age

these are chords for the song “digital age” by the early november .
it hasn’t been released yet ,
but a preview of the song can be heard in the trailer for their up – coming album , in currents

tune down half step

Am C
in a digital age , i’m feeling i’m done its my brain
F Am E
i can’t spell and my heart that cant hold down the keys to type it out
Am C
so even if i can’t read likes the puzzle you see
i put together the things that come easy to me .
Am E
i’ve played with shapes for 30 years
Am F
so again the crowds and the colorful paints
that never step foot in a digital age
Am F
and play the songs through our video screens ,
C G F Fm
we don’t need shows in a digital scene so give up
so give up .

these are chords for the song “digital age” by the early november .
it hasn’t been released yet ,
but a preview of the song can be heard in the trailer for their up – coming album , in currents

tune down half step

Am C
in a digital age , i’m feeling i’m done its my brain
F Am E
i can’t spell and my heart that cant hold down the keys to type it out
Am C
so even if i can’t read likes the puzzle you see
i put together the things that come easy to me .
Am E
i’ve played with shapes for 30 years
Am F
so again the crowds and the colorful paints
that never step foot in a digital age
Am F
and play the songs through our video screens ,
C G F Fm
we don’t need shows in a digital scene so give up
so give up .

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Early November merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Early November) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Early November.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Early November untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
 Video 1 Column  Bold Aa
♫ Transpose 
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