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Kunci Gitar Brooke Fraser - Who Are We Fooling

kunci lagu dan chord Brooke Fraser - Who Are We Fooling

so this song pretty much rocks my socks off . . . amazing . .
thought i’d do a simple tab to give you an idea of the chords .
might be some variations so let me know if you’d change anything

verse ( so we’re back here again . . . ) D A Bm F#m , G D A Bm

chorus ( better or worse but what else can we do . . . ) G F# , G D , G A Bm

bridge ( real love , is hard love . . ) A G , Gm D

there’s a couple other little variations like at the end of the bridge it
doesn’t end on A D the last time , but make it your own and transition
back into the verse however you want! it’s more fun that way .
beautiful freaking song though , seriously just stunning .
lemme know what i need to fix

so this song pretty much rocks my socks off . . . amazing . .
thought i’d do a simple tab to give you an idea of the chords .
might be some variations so let me know if you’d change anything

verse ( so we’re back here again . . . ) D A Bm F#m , G D A Bm

chorus ( better or worse but what else can we do . . . ) G F# , G D , G A Bm

bridge ( real love , is hard love . . ) A G , Gm D

there’s a couple other little variations like at the end of the bridge it
doesn’t end on A D the last time , but make it your own and transition
back into the verse however you want! it’s more fun that way .
beautiful freaking song though , seriously just stunning .
lemme know what i need to fix

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari Brooke Fraser merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (Brooke Fraser) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya Brooke Fraser.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari Brooke Fraser untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
 Video 1 Column  Bold Aa

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