Chords Bob Dylan - Clothes Line Saga
Lyrics Bob Dylan - Clothes Line Saga
a simple , quirky , bluesy song from the basement tapes recorded with the band , this song
usually overlooked . but i love the non – sensical storyline just enough to write out the chords .
song : clothes line saga
album : the basement tapes ( with the band )
tabbed by a rolling stone
blondeonblondefan@hotmail . com
verse 1 –
after a while we took in the clothes ,
nobody said very much .
just some old wild shirts and a couple pairs of pants
which nobody really wanted to touch .
mama come in and picked up a book
an’ papa asked her what it was .
someone else asked , “what do you care?”
papa said , “well , just because . ”
then they started to take back their clothes ,
hang ’em on the line .
it was january the thirtieth
and everybody was feelin’ fine .
verse 2 –
the next day everybody got up
seein’ if the clothes were dry .
the dogs were barking , a neighbor passed ,
mama , of course , she said , “hi!”
“have you heard the news?” he said , with a grin ,
“the vice – president’s gone mad!”
“where?” “downtown . ” “when?” “last night . ”
“hmm , say , that’s too bad!”
“well , there’s nothin’ we can do about it , ” said the neighbor ,
“it’s just somethin’ we’re gonna have to forget . ”
“yes , i guess so , ” said ma ,
then she asked me if the clothes was still wet .
verse 3 –
i reached up , touched my shirt ,
and the neighbor said , “are those clothes yours?”
i said , “some of ’em , not all of ’em . ”
he said , “ya always help out around here with the chores?”
i said , “sometime , not all the time . ”
then my neighbor , he blew his nose
just as papa yelled outside ,
“mama wants you t’ come back in the house and bring them clothes . ”
well , i just do what i’m told ,
so , i did it , of course .
i went back in the house and mama met me
and then i shut all the doors
chords used :
E – 022100
E7 – 022130
A7 – x02223
B7 – x21201
a simple , quirky , bluesy song from the basement tapes recorded with the band , this song
usually overlooked . but i love the non – sensical storyline just enough to write out the chords .
song : clothes line saga
album : the basement tapes ( with the band )
tabbed by a rolling stone
blondeonblondefan@hotmail . com
verse 1 –
after a while we took in the clothes ,
nobody said very much .
just some old wild shirts and a couple pairs of pants
which nobody really wanted to touch .
mama come in and picked up a book
an’ papa asked her what it was .
someone else asked , “what do you care?”
papa said , “well , just because . ”
then they started to take back their clothes ,
hang ’em on the line .
it was january the thirtieth
and everybody was feelin’ fine .
verse 2 –
the next day everybody got up
seein’ if the clothes were dry .
the dogs were barking , a neighbor passed ,
mama , of course , she said , “hi!”
“have you heard the news?” he said , with a grin ,
“the vice – president’s gone mad!”
“where?” “downtown . ” “when?” “last night . ”
“hmm , say , that’s too bad!”
“well , there’s nothin’ we can do about it , ” said the neighbor ,
“it’s just somethin’ we’re gonna have to forget . ”
“yes , i guess so , ” said ma ,
then she asked me if the clothes was still wet .
verse 3 –
i reached up , touched my shirt ,
and the neighbor said , “are those clothes yours?”
i said , “some of ’em , not all of ’em . ”
he said , “ya always help out around here with the chores?”
i said , “sometime , not all the time . ”
then my neighbor , he blew his nose
just as papa yelled outside ,
“mama wants you t’ come back in the house and bring them clothes . ”
well , i just do what i’m told ,
so , i did it , of course .
i went back in the house and mama met me
and then i shut all the doors
chords used :
E – 022100
E7 – 022130
A7 – x02223
B7 – x21201