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ABBA - Thank You For The Music

hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song . . . garry smythe
please E – mail any corrections to : – G . smythe@sky . com
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thankyou for the music – abba

abba sing this in E which is listed below

C D#dim Dm7 G7

C D#dim Dm7 G7 C Gm7 C7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
C C7 F Fm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Dm Dm7 G7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

C D#dim Dm7 G7 C Gm7 C7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
C C7 F Fm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Dm Dm7 G7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

Fm6 C Fm6 C
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Fm6 E7 Am Am7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Dm7 G7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxd Fdim Em7 A7

D Fdim Em7 A7 D Am7 D7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
D D7 G Gm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Em Em7 A7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

D Fdim Em7 A7 D Am7 D7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
D D7 G Gm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Em Em7 A7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

Gm6 D Gm6 D
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Gm6 F#7 Bm Bm7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Em7 A7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxf G#dim Gm7 C7

F G#dim Gm7 C7 F Cm7 F7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
A# D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
F F7 A# A#m
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Gm Gm7 C7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

F G#dim Gm7 C7 F Cm7 F7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
A# D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
F F7 A# A#m
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Gm Gm7 C7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

A#m6 F A#m6 F
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
A#m6 A7 Dm Dm7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Gm7 C7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxg A#dim Am7 D7

G A#dim Am7 D7 G Dm7 G7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
G G7 C Cm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Am Am7 D7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

G A#dim Am7 D7 G Dm7 G7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
G G7 C Cm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Am Am7 D7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

Cm6 G Cm6 G
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Cm6 B7 Em Em7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Am7 D7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxintro :

E Gdim F#m7 B7

E Gdim F#m7 B7 E Bm7 E7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
E E7 A Am
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
F#m F#m7 B7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

E Gdim F#m7 B7 E Bm7 E7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
E E7 A Am
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
F#m F#m7 B7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

Am6 E Am6 E
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Am6 G#7 C#m C#m7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
F#m7 B7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song . . . garry smythe
please E – mail any corrections to : – G . smythe@sky . com
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thankyou for the music – abba

abba sing this in E which is listed below

C D#dim Dm7 G7

C D#dim Dm7 G7 C Gm7 C7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
C C7 F Fm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Dm Dm7 G7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

C D#dim Dm7 G7 C Gm7 C7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
F A7 Dm Dm7 G7 G7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
C C7 F Fm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Dm Dm7 G7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

Fm6 C Fm6 C
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Fm6 E7 Am Am7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Dm7 G7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


C Dm G7 C
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Am Am7 D7 G7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
C Dm Em Am7 F
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
C C7 A
without a song or a dance what are we?
Dm F
so i say thank you for the music
G7 C D#dim Dm7 G7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxd Fdim Em7 A7

D Fdim Em7 A7 D Am7 D7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
D D7 G Gm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Em Em7 A7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

D Fdim Em7 A7 D Am7 D7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
G B7 Em Em7 A7 A7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
D D7 G Gm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Em Em7 A7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

Gm6 D Gm6 D
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Gm6 F#7 Bm Bm7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Em7 A7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


D Em A7 D
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Bm Bm7 E7 A7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
D Em F#m Bm7 G
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
D D7 B
without a song or a dance what are we?
Em G
so i say thank you for the music
A7 D Fdim Em7 A7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxf G#dim Gm7 C7

F G#dim Gm7 C7 F Cm7 F7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
A# D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
F F7 A# A#m
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Gm Gm7 C7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

F G#dim Gm7 C7 F Cm7 F7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
A# D7 Gm Gm7 C7 C7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
F F7 A# A#m
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Gm Gm7 C7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

A#m6 F A#m6 F
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
A#m6 A7 Dm Dm7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Gm7 C7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


F Gm C7 F
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Dm Dm7 G7 C7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
F Gm Am Dm7 A#
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
F F7 D
without a song or a dance what are we?
Gm A#
so i say thank you for the music
C7 F G#dim Gm7 C7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxg A#dim Am7 D7

G A#dim Am7 D7 G Dm7 G7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
G G7 C Cm
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
Am Am7 D7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

G A#dim Am7 D7 G Dm7 G7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
C E7 Am Am7 D7 D7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
G G7 C Cm
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
Am Am7 D7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

Cm6 G Cm6 G
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Cm6 B7 Em Em7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
Am7 D7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


G Am D7 G
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
Em Em7 A7 D7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
G Am Bm Em7 C
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
G G7 E
without a song or a dance what are we?
Am C
so i say thank you for the music
D7 G A#dim Am7 D7
for giving it to me

xxxxxxxxxxxintro :

E Gdim F#m7 B7

E Gdim F#m7 B7 E Bm7 E7
i’m nothing special , in fact i’m a bit of a bore
A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13
if i tell a joke , you’ve probably heard it before
but i have a talent , a wonderful thing
E E7 A Am
’cause everyone listens when i start to sing
i’m so grateful and proud
F#m F#m7 B7
all i want is to sing it out loud , so i say


E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

E Gdim F#m7 B7 E Bm7 E7
mother says i was a dancer before i could walk
A C#7 F#m F#m7 B7 B7b13
she says i began to sing long before i could talk
and i’ve often wondered , how did it all start?
E E7 A Am
who found out that nothing can capture a heart
like a melody can?
F#m F#m7 B7
well , who – ever it was , i’m A fan , so i say

E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

Am6 E Am6 E
i’ve been so lucky , i Am the girl with golden hair
Am6 G#7 C#m C#m7
i wanna sing it out to everybody
F#m7 B7
what a joy , what a life , what a chance!


E F#m B7 E
thank you for the music , the songs i’m singing
C#m C#m7 F#7 B7
thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
E F#m G#m C#m7 A
who can live without it , i ask in all honesty
what would life be?
E E7 C#
without a song or a dance what are we?
F#m A
so i say thank you for the music
B7 E Gdim F#m7 B7
for giving it to me

Lirik dan Arrangment Lagu dari ABBA merupakan hak cipta/milik pengarang, pengubah, artis (ABBA) serta label (publisher) musik yang bersangkutan. Semua properti Lagu serta Lirik yang di tulis di ini semata-mata hanya untuk keperluan media edukasi dan hiburan serta turut mempromosikan karya ABBA.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu membeli CD ORIGINAL serta SUBCRIBE CHANNEL dari ABBA untuk mendukung mereka agar tetap berkarya.
 Video 1 Column  Bold Aa
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