Chords Hymn - Onward Christian Soldiers
Lyrics Hymn - Onward Christian Soldiers
capo on the 2nd fret
( verse 1 )
G D D7 G Em D A7
onward christian soldiers! marching as to war , with the cross of jesus going on
D D7 G C Am C
before . christ the royal master leads against the foe . forward into battle , see
Am D
his banners go!
( chorus )
G D D7 G C G Em C D
onward christian soldiers! marching as to war . with the cross of jesus going on
before .
( verse 2 )
like a mighty army , moves the church of god . brothers we are treading where the
saints have trod . we are not divided , all one body we . one in hope and doctrine ,
one in charity .
( verse 3 )
onward then ye people join our happy song . blend with ours your voices in the
triumph song . glory , laud , and honor unto christ the king . this through countless
ages men and angels sing .
capo on the 2nd fret
( verse 1 )
G D D7 G Em D A7
onward christian soldiers! marching as to war , with the cross of jesus going on
D D7 G C Am C
before . christ the royal master leads against the foe . forward into battle , see
Am D
his banners go!
( chorus )
G D D7 G C G Em C D
onward christian soldiers! marching as to war . with the cross of jesus going on
before .
( verse 2 )
like a mighty army , moves the church of god . brothers we are treading where the
saints have trod . we are not divided , all one body we . one in hope and doctrine ,
one in charity .
( verse 3 )
onward then ye people join our happy song . blend with ours your voices in the
triumph song . glory , laud , and honor unto christ the king . this through countless
ages men and angels sing .