Chords Eric Clapton - Everything Will Be Alright
Lyrics Eric Clapton - Everything Will Be Alright
song from clapton 2010 album .
note : verse chords F A# F use a hammer on note G# to a for the 2nd F chord
chorus chords are approx . voicing and may be changed to G#6/13 , G6/13 , F#6/13 or similar .
verse :
A#9/// A#9/// | F A# F , F A# F F
chorus :
G#9add13/// //// G9add13/// //// F#9add13
riff : C D# F
repeat .
( intro and solo : standard notes from F pentatonic blues scale easily worked out by
ear . solo played up an octave starting 13thfret position in F ) .
comments/Feedback welcome ,
song from clapton 2010 album .
note : verse chords F A# F use a hammer on note G# to a for the 2nd F chord
chorus chords are approx . voicing and may be changed to G#6/13 , G6/13 , F#6/13 or similar .
verse :
A#9/// A#9/// | F A# F , F A# F F
chorus :
G#9add13/// //// G9add13/// //// F#9add13
riff : C D# F
repeat .
( intro and solo : standard notes from F pentatonic blues scale easily worked out by
ear . solo played up an octave starting 13thfret position in F ) .
comments/Feedback welcome ,